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light will host a variety of performances, lectures, youth education, and hands-on creative experiences to connect visitors with their own creativity. Artists will employ glass, sculpture and light itself to showcase the sublime beauty that light evokes aesthetically and thematically. The public will glean insight into scientific issues such as vision and optics, physiology of light energy, sustainability, light pollution and conservation.
A large part of the exhibition is reliant on audience participation. Step inside an infinite abyss with Refik Anandol’s audiovisual installation. Interact and move through large geometric forms that change color, audio and intensity during an immersive light experience by Circus Family. Escape into a cocoon constructed of stainless steel, acrylic and LEDs that absorb you in a field of playable light by Taylor Dean Harrison.
Artists: Adam Belt, Circus Family, Corey Broman, FoldHaus, Jason Webb, Refik Anadol, SKYGLOW and Taylor Dean Harrison
Collaborators: Antilop, Council Bluffs Community School District, International Dark-Sky Association, Echo Systems, First Sight Eyeglasses, Google, Refik Anadol Studio, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extreme Light Laboratory, University of Nebraska Medical Center/CRHD and WhyArts
Epson: As part of the exhibition, award-winning media artist and designer Refik Anadol will leverage the high image quality and flexibility of Epson’s Pro L1000-Series large venue laser projectors in his audiovisual installation project called ‘Infinity.’ An immersive environment project that creates a perception of presence in a non-physical world, viewers of the ‘Infinity’ installation will be able to fully appreciate the seamless convergence of art and technology with the support of Epson’s Pro L1000-Series laser projectors.
Miller Electric: Just as light testifies to the night that darkness shall not reign, electricity bears witness to mankind’s indomitable spirit of discovery, innovation and progress. While it has become a rather ordinary thing to run power to a building and outfit it with fixtures, we look at space and its electrical components as artisan craftsmen. We feel privileged to help power this gallery, and hope it delivers an experience that transcends the ordinary and transports you into the mind, spirit and passion of the artists featured here.
Selected artwork in this exhibition is available for purchase.
Please contact a KANEKO gallery attendant for more information.
Viewers with light sensitivities please be advised.
This exhibition includes installations that use intense visual light stimulation effects. Please take caution if you are prone to seizures or are at risk for an adverse reaction.
The light Exhibition features the following programs: