

June 27, 2014 -
August 23, 2014

Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. & Saturdays, 1 – 5 p.m.


General public

Truck-A-Tecture examined architecture as redefined by mobility and technical expansion.

This exhibition generated a unique conversation and offered a new perspective on modern housing. A mash-up of popular and elite cultures, Truck-A-Tecture transcended the current definitions of “pre-fab” and “mobile architecture.” Topics of nomadism, transportation, trucking culture, and the nature of “home” were among the topics explored in this exhibition. Other issues considered in this dialogue were sustainability and technological advances that have led many to a leaner, more-efficient lifestyle. Leaders in the field of architecture participated, with four firms designing and building full-scale structures. Once completed, these structures traveled to KANEKO from their various locations of construction around the country.

Truck-A-Tecture architects: Jones Partners, Architects – Los Angeles, California; Mark Mack Architects – Venice, Califnoria; Min|Day – San Francisco, California / Omaha, Nebraska; Office of Mobile Design – Venice, California


The Truck-A-Tecture Exhibition features the following programs: